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2003-10-28 09:15:48
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1de9eEOqyc Ice 5wdq48ft@hotmail.com | Ap7OPlgX4WW
.."And the Goobers wonder why I leaq.&tuot;Actuflly, we wonder how you remember to breathe. 9:13 PMMold revealed that in an earlier post. He uses his gerbil anal crawling tube as a snorkel. He did say it leaves a shitty taste in his mouth though, which I guess kinda explains all the shit he talks. | Cheyenne q5x8b0yh0b@outlook.com | 85gQINPqC Nash 05880eiho@gmail.com | dq1OPdPqmhHm Krimo a3fwk71e@gmail.com |
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